
non combatant refers to a legal and military training describing civilians not engaged in combat. Combat in this case means to oppose vigorously or fight against in battle. Non combatants are, thus, from our definition, members of the armed forces but not directly engaged in battle. These include civilians who are trained as surgeons, ordinary medical doctors, nurses, psychologists, counselors among others. Though the non combatants are not usually engaged in combat activities, they may be trained such that they can also be engaged in close combat direct fire battle. Which the new initiative of the Ranger school is as explained by Col k.k chin, ranger training brigade commander.
The benefits that accrue to the society from non combat branch to our society will depend entirely with what kind of non combatants we train. In my analysis I explore the roles of the aforesaid categories of trainees in and out of the military. It is also important to note that non combatants are trained persons whose main service is related to military activities.

Surgeons comprise a category of non combatants and play a crucial role especially in battle fronts. It is a fact that during a military operation soldiers involved in active battle are wounded and need either major or minor operations which many be urgent if the life of a soldier will have to be saved. Surgeons thus come in to serve this absolutely important purpose. Surgeons and other supporting reservists are always close to the fighting soldiers and so the idea of rushing wounded soldiers to hospitals or back to the country if they are fighting in a foreign country does not arise. These surgeons apart from attending to hurt soldiers can also attend to other victims of war. This is possible especially after the war is over as, non combatant surgeons can always assist other surgeons who are most of the times overwhelmed by the number of operations that await them during wars. Ordinary medical doctors just like surgeons have the role of attending to victims of war. Most of the cases may not require surgery and so doctors do the bulk of the work that requires medical attention. Military doctors just like their surgery colleagues may also assist in government hospitals when they are not engaged in military activities.

Nurses comprise yet another category of non combatants. This one is an important category because of various reasons. One, it is in this category that women are mostly included. Military activities are usually physically demanding and so this is a major constraint that restricts women from joining the military. As non combatants, however, women can comfortably join particularly in the position of nurses. The other reason why the nurses category is important is because it is them who are responsible for giving victims first aid be it in battle fronts or accidents. In addition to these nurses will remain relevant as our country continues to face terrorism threats because victims of terrorism will always require basic medical care before specialized care is served to them.

Counselors and psychologist serve close to the same purpose. Military counselors and psychologists have a role of helping war victims. Military activities involve scenes that are not so pleasant to both civilians and military personnel (soldiers and support staff). Because of this reason, victims experience nightmares and in the extreme cases trauma. Counselors help in restoring war victims into their real productive selves.

All non combatants, thus, help in enhancing or restoring productivity of civilians. Non-combatants who do not join the military can assist the society in fields they are trained in.