The Goals of Education and Results

A British business executive John Banham(1940) while speaking on recruitment in the independent London said that other than looking for the good records in class work, he also was interested in people who have climbed mountains or have been captains of the tidily teams at the university. He was looking at people who other people could follow. This statements show that education is more than the good colleges and good grades when it comes to the matters of life other than class work. Education therefore should be aimed at moulding the students so as to be reliable people in the society and by the state. It is assumed that leaders can be made rather than being born. If any leadership will be successful, it has to be based on a definable and learnable behavior (Redmond, 2006).

Education plays a very major role in shaping people into the real world responsibilities. In education, leaders can be born and not have inborn traits of an individual. This revolves around what people can do as leaders. It is much easier to train or teach someone on how to behave in a similar manner with someone else so as to achieve success in whatever they do. The behavioral way of training thus assumes that the capability of a leader can be learned thus giving result at the end of the training period. This system of education training offers the best opportunity and opens the floodgates to massive leadership development other than stay and wait for the inherent leadership capabilities. This method of training normally assesses both actions of leaders and their successes hence becoming the easiest in giving result. It is easy to carry out a monitoring program to ascertain which behaviors lead to failure. This assists in adding a second level of understanding and thus training on the measures to curb the occurrence of failure in these areas (Chen, 2010).

The approach used in training leadership skills vary in the behavioral theory. Most of them fall under the direct contact where there is the teacher student contact. They are actually teacher centered. The approaches in most cases include tutorials, simulations on behavior, drill and practice lessons, as well as a programmed instruction to the candidates. All these practices put into one basket form the so called integrated learning system (Chen, n.d).

Types of behavioral instructions
Class room activities
Drills are used to practice what has been taught or acquired in class. There are computer software and they may involve practice on skills on mathematics like the multiplication of two digits. These software are in a wide range from maths to vocabulary, speech, names among other facts. There are also plenty of software including games which are designed to help in the learning process. The software involve researching on humanitarian interaction issues with the computers associated with learning in the electronic game environment. Unlike the software method of training, the tutorial type of instruction teaches the lesson first through direct instruction methods (Maddux, Johnson,  Willis,1997). This method of training presents new information which has not been taught in class before. This mode of training offers a step by step training where the concept is introduced and afterwards a query is given to access the students understanding with the aim of helping the student on where he has not grasped the concept. After this, the student is taken into the new level based on their performance. Another approach used is the programmed instruction which is based on the computer technologies all over the worlds. Software like the word gallery are based largely on behavioral models of instructions (Maddux, Johnson,  Willis,1997).Examples of these include the ultimate language tutor, dollar skills, windows in the jungle and insights from curriculum associates. The insight tool helps the learners in identifying their interests and plans, discovering how their interests and plans can affect their future and also makes them think about the future on an ongoing basis. All these insights are gained through activities (Chen, n.d).

Another mode of instruction in the behavioral training is behavioral simulation. This is usually imitation of somebodys character or other dynamics using role and materials for the purposes of making the person feel and understand the dynamics of any complicated situation. Some programs available for this training include entrepreneur simulations and the personal computer fishing adventures among others (Chen, n.d).

The graphic organizer involving someone having drawings, diagrams, visual representations of the information has been structured. This mode of training involves introduction of the organizer to the students by their teacher so that the students thinks through the various presentations and how they relate to each other. After the students pick up from the organizer, they may act as some organizers during their class discussions (Maddux, Johnson  Willis, 1997).

With the above information on different methods of training, the most successful ones realized approach is the integrated learning system. In this approach, the starting point is normally a computer administered diagnostic which is aimed at evaluating the students current level of achievement. After this has been done, the computer subdivides the training into subsections which will be taught in smaller units. A unit is taught and an assessment is carried out before progress to the next level is done. The core content in these systems covers areas such as reading and language arts as well as mathematics. Other materials such as sciences and socials studies are also involved in the integrated system of training (Kirkpatrick  Dahlquist, 2007).

The effectiveness of behaviorism however has been put into test. Taking considerations in all aspects of behaviorism, this research identifies the weaknesses of the behavioral theory. Not only have the weaknesses but also the merits associated with this behavior if restricted to some certain level in line with psychology and also in treatment of some disorders have been highlighted. Cognitive behavioral theory approach to behavior is aimed at solving problems that pertains to emotional dysfunctions, cognitions and behaviors through a systematic, well planned goal-oriented approach. Though this approach has been widely used in the treatment of these disorders, behavioral theory in finance issues bring forth anomalies of the ideal situation rather than the reality of the finance sector. These anomalies brought into business by the behavioral theories eventually will be priced out by the appealing arguments on the true market microstructures. This theory has the tendency of pushing the market further from the equilibrium thereof of the existing market process. This is normally via creation of feedback loops which get the market on its way to deterioration in terms of prices (Kirkpatrick  Dahlquist, 2007).

It is also true that, observed behavior cannot be brought into and applied into the real market conditions. The opportunities presented in the various institutions will end up being inclined more into rational behavior more than behavioral theories. Behavioral theories such as the cognitive theories are normally modals on decision making and not the real business as expected in business economics. These theories are available and applicable to decision making problems and are presented to people for experimentation or for carrying out surveys in research. (Kirkpatrick  Dahlquist, 2007). In economics more than in social sciences, it is preferred more to have the revealed preferences other than on the stated preferences which are mainly gotten from surveys. This occurs when one is determining the economical value of something. If some biases in carrying out survey are to be avoided, the experimental design must then be carried out carefully. However, since the surveys are carried out in different countries, the results obtained may be important in giving out a theoretical insight. More reliable data has been collected from the field and not in the lab thus giving a fundamental schism between behavioral and experimental economics. Another problem also arises when dealing with models. This is because they often fail to predict real world outcomes (Kirkpatrick  Dahlquist, 2007).

Behavioral theory has got contradicting ideas to the natural selection of Darwins theory. It has been found out that Darwins theory had been widely accepted by scientists. The behavioral theory on the other hand believes that human traits can be changed. Darwin believed that human beings constantly keep on improving for betterment of self control which means that they are trying to improve their free-will.  This theory also suffers the inability to clearly explain how the human language is developed. The behavioral theory has succeeded to explain phobias and other issues of fear but has lacked in this issue. This evidence therefore proofs the failure of behaviorism as a theory. However, limited to some areas, behaviorism it has shown that there are some advantages in the behavioral theories. Some disorders can be treated using this theory which makes it a success. Some of these disorders include phobias and neurosis. This is normally achieved through elimination of the cause symptom just by bringing into play classical and also operant into condition. Addiction to alcohol and nicotine can also be properly healed by means of behavioral theory. This may be achieved through counter conditioning whereby, morphine drug mixed with alcohol or nicotine induces nausea making the addicts give up the drugs forever. (Naik, 1998).

In business matters, it would be truly wrong for the researchers in the behaviorism sector to transfer their result from experiments conducted in animals to human beings. It is true that the theory of behaviorism can be used to treat some disorders. However, this cannot apply in the areas of business and its related fields. Therefore, the idea of behaviorism must be abandoned in the world of business and economics. Those who wish can apply it in other areas of life.