A Macroeconomic Outlook of Europe and the United States in 2040.
The control of NATO in European soil by the Americans is another area where change will occur. The imperialist tenor of America will be trimmed down and controlled in Europe by the European Community. Europe, as Europe, requires a continental military cooperation itself.
Trade and commerce will also be another area where the definition of American and European business will see a definitive change where both will polarize to their own poles. As the world is generating economic information, countries that will utilize these information to the solution of economic problems will merit massive embellishment. Vested interest will be mastered and selfish intent can no longer be allowed to deceive and prevail.
It is a known fact that there are only two resources in the world to use for our economic engagement to satisfy human wants the human and the environ. In order to resolve the issues of poverty, war, disease, scarcity and the ills that the market economies have created, the direct utility of the the human to utilize the environment to satisfy human wants scientifically in the true egalitarian essence is no longer a utopic idea. It is the only available idea to arrive at an economic embellishment without disregard to all men and the environment. If and when this information is dissimenated and decided upon by the rest of the world for utility, the American framework will reinvent itself. Europe will be a vastness of potential and America, its own. That is where the difference will be visible, unless the whole of mankind decides to party Its about time...