Health Care Spending
The cost of healthcare has increased because of extensive utilization by people however the price of medical care services can also strongly be related to the research and development costs and efforts. This is the era of extensive scientific research where millions of dollars are committed and success rate is very low. Every 4 of 5 researches in medicines fail. The research which gets successful is patented hence the company gets monopoly in controlling prices. (U.S. Health Care Today, 2010)
NHE as percentage of GDP has doubled because of two factors. First is the ageing population of US. According to statistics, the US population grew at 1.2 while people above 65 grew at 2 and those above 75 grew at 2.8. Secondly, increasing number of US population is getting obese. In 2003, 34 of the population is obese as compared to 13 in 1960. Obesity is associated with heart diseases, cancer and diabetes.
Considering the trends, we can observe decrease spending in prescription drugs as many drugs are given the over the counter status. Moreover people are more inclined to buy low cost generic drugs. We also observe drastic increase in public health activities because of increased subscription in Medicaid and Medicare program due to ageing population. This increase in public spending will also boost spending in nursing home care, home health care and hospital care.