Poverty and Inequality

This section contains a summary of the contents of thesis proposal.

Table of contents
This is the list of items contained in the document. The page numbers are provided to each item in the list of contents.

Write down the people and organizations that helped complete the research.

Chapter one

The definition of the terms poverty and inequality will be given at this stage. In addition, the measures to reduce poverty and inequality will be listed after the definitions. The relationship between the two will be explained as the last paragraph.

Thesis title
A comparative analysis of poverty and inequality, measures and its application in Egypt. A case study of . (Name of a town in Egypt to be studied as the sample survey area)

Thesis objective
Major objective To study the impact of poverty and inequality on the economy of Egypt.

Minor objectives
To evaluate the measures to reduce poverty and inequality in Egypt
To assess the living standards of the various classes of people in Egypt
To investigate the impact of poverty and inequality on the national economic activities
(Add others)

Importance or the research
To reduce poverty and inequality in the country
Suggest to the government on how to reduce poverty in the country
Improve the living standards of the people
(Add others)

Problems encountered in the research
Lack of funds
Inexperienced research assistants
Lack of cooperation from the interviewers
(Add others)

Chapter two
Literature review
Relevant information about the topic of study on studies done by other people

Chapter Three
Methods of collecting data, for example, questionnaires, interviews, photographs, case study
Sources of data Primary data sources and secondary data sources
Methods of selecting the samples
The skills required of the research personnel

The tools of analyzing the data collected, for example, standard deviation, mean, logit probit models, qualitative data analysis tools, ANNOVA, linear programming,

Results of the research
Give the data obtained (the results) from the analysis part of the research

Explain the data in relation to the objectives of the study. Integrate both minor and major objectives into the discussion about the results obtained.

Chapter Four
Conclusion and recommendations
Give a summary of the findings of the research. Summarize all the contents of the thesis.
Give a direction of the research study.

Budget of the research
Tables and diagrams used in the document
References used in the document

Introduce the essay by writing down the meaning of the research. A brief history about research in the subject selected and some few details about poverty, inequality and the economy of Egypt. Hypothesis Question Impact of Poverty and Inequality on Economy

Provide a general overview about poverty and inequality and their impacts on the economy of any nation. How does Poverty and inequality impact economy in Egyptprovide a specific analysis of poverty and inequality on the economy of Egypt. Poverty

Definition Give several definitions according to different authors.
Measures Elaborate on the possible methods to reduce or eliminate poverty within any economic system. Inequality

MeasuresLink between Poverty and Inequality Show the relationship between poverty and inequalityApplication of Poverty and Inequality on Egypt Use the case study of the economy of Egypt to show the impact of poverty and inequality.

Provide a summary about what you have learned about the topic. Give a direction to the essay.